Our Collection

Books, DVDs, Audiobooks, Magazines and More!

The library’s  collection includes more than 20,000 physical materials, including books, DVDs, audiobooks on CDs, magazines, snowshoes and even a telescope! In addition, items owned by our partner libraries in the Catamount Library Network can be placed on hold through our shared catalog. Interlibrary loans may be requested for materials not available through the Catamount Library Network. Our staff welcome your requests and suggestions of materials to purchase.

Items in the library’s physical collection can be located by searching in the shared Catamount catalog. Don’t hesitate to ask our staff to show you how to log into your account, search the catalog, place holds, and renew items online. You can easily browse our newest items and explore staff-curated suggestion lists from the front page of the catalog.

Loan Periods: 

Material Type Loan Period
Books, Books on CD, Music CDs 3 weeks
New Books, New Books on CD, All DVDs, Magazines, Ukuleles, Games & Puzzles 2 weeks
Snowshoes, Pans, Spiralizer & Food mill 4 days
Telescope, EXTECH & Kill-A-Watt meters, Veilux Happy Light, Woolbuddy kit & Citizenship kit 1 week
Interlibrary Loan Item See item for due date
Digital Resources* See individual resources:

E-books, Downloadable Audiobooks, Streaming Video

Museum Passes

Note: Account must be clear of fines to check out.

Vary by pass and availability.  Most are 3 days.
Laptop/WiFi Hotspot Kits & WiFi Hotspot Kits 1 week checkout; must be 18+; Borrower Agreement and picture ID required.

Interlibrary Loan Program

If you cannot find an item that you’d like in the Catamount catalog, we are often able to borrow that item from a library outside of our consortium through our Interlibrary Loan Program.

You can come into the library to fill out an Interlibrary Loan request or you can use our online Interlibrary Loan form.